Reduce urine smell
DOGWATER is nitrate-free
which helps reduce

Promote an ideal urinary pH
DOGWATER has a perfectly balanced
pH between 7.1 – 7.3 to suit dog needs

Minimise the presence of the minerals responsible for causing crystals and
stones in the bladder
DOGWATER contains no minerals associated to urinary problem
Available in specialised pet stores and through your veterinarian

Effects of pH in
Urine and Water

DW is more than just drinking water, it is a true innovation targetting preventative measures such as: Preventing your dog’s urine smell, plus reducing risks of resistant urinary tract problems difficult to resolve.
Like many dog owners, you are probably aware, urinary problems are frequent causes to visit your veterinarian. You are searching many ways to prevent urinary smell problems. Well DW is an additional preventative tool to help prevent the above.
DW is natural water pumpted from deep water springs in the Appalachians Mountain Chain. It is demineralized by distillation and then ozonated: the only process that garantees the water is mineral-free and free of any bacterial contamination. DW is also perfectly balanced at optimized pH ( 7.1-7.7 ), using an unique process and thecnology. The ideal conditions to help prevent urinary problems in dogs.
Common causes of urinary problems are the formation and concentration of crystals in the urinary tract, and those crystals will eventualy form stones. These crystals are formed from minerals in the dog’s food and water, the excesses are filtered by the kidneys and eliminated in the urine . Under predisposing factors, such as breed predisposition, saturation of minerals in urinary tract, urine pH, urinary tract infection, etc, many dogs might develop urinay tract problems such as described above. Symptoms are inconfort in urinating, pain, blood in urine and eventually urinary blockage.
DW promotes an optimized urine pH and low mineral contents that helps increase the solubility of crystals that occur in the urine. The risk of urinary tract crystals formation is increased in predisposed breeds. DW is completely demineralised, helping limit the minerals forming urinary crystals building blocks. It also help slowing down the progression of chronic kidney disease (low phosphorus and sodium).
Any dog under predisposing factors could form urinary crystals and/or urinary stones, such as breed, saturation of minerals, urine pH, urinary infection could eventually develop one of urinary track problem. Some breeds are geneticaly predisposed, such as: Miniature/Standard Schnauzer, Miniature Poodle, Bichon Frise, Cocker Spaniel, Lhasa Apso, Yorkshire Terrier, Shih Tsu, Dalmatien, English Bulldog and cross breeds of the previous.
DW is natural water pumpted from deep water springs in the Appalachians Mountain Chain.
Absolutly not ! The principal source of minerals for your dog comes from his food.
Ozone is a different molecule of oxygen. It is a powerful desinfectant reducing the growth of infectious microbes. This technic eliminates the use of chlorine. Ozone also eliminates odors and bad taste, thus increasing the quality of water.
DW has a 3 years shelf life. Every bottle has and expiration date printed on its label.
There is no danger in any of these cases.
The bottles used for DW are eco-friendly. The bottle, handle and cap are made of PET plastic and are 100% recyclable. PET plastic does not lose any of its fundamental properties upon being recycled and it satisfies even the most strict hygiene regulations in the food, cosmetic and medical industries.